понеделник, 21 юни 2010 г.

неделя, 23 май 2010 г.


The award-winning participant in school PALITRA cartoon contest organized in memory of drowned tragically in Serbia Svishtov children. It is organized by Foundation Angels Lim "The picture is Alexandra Emilova 12 years.

събота, 8 май 2010 г.


Drawing from nature and nature is a favorite of children. Contact with the environment is a great way children learn it and keep. Placed in such an environment, they do great work.


Ако искате да научите повече за нас посетете сайта www.svishtov.org/.palitra/


Много увлекателна техника на работа в школата по изобразително изкуство.Приучава децата на търпение и упоритост.Те бавно и внимателно изграждат образа и задълбочено вникват в темата или натурата.Научават се да смесват цветовете по лесно с тази техника. Опитайте!

неделя, 11 април 2010 г.


In his spare time or during the sessions can always interesting for students izmaystorim models. Pieces of wood waste from my students made excellent models of airplanes, helicopters and car. They were very happy with the work process, so that made from natural material thing may have value to collectors